Occupational health and safety legislation is applicable to all businesses in various industries, as provided for in section 8(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), 85 of 1993: “Every employer shall provide and maintain a working environment that is safe and without risk to the health of his/her employees”.

If a business does not comply with health and safety rules and regulations, or cannot identify potential risks in the workplace, it can lead to unnecessary injuries, fines, penalties, property damage and even death. What’s more, while investigations take place, the business will suffer immense damage, not only to its production and sales, but ultimately its reputation as well.

It is important to know that the employer is not expected to assume sole responsibility for the health and safety of employees. The OHSA is based on the principle that hazards in the workplace must be addressed through co-operation and clear communication between the employer and employees. Both employer and employees must proactively identify risks and develop control measures to make the working environment safe.

Health and Safety compliance integrated into business objectives and activities

Implementing innovative Health and Safety solutions in the workplace.


With the implementation of health and safety regulations, business owners find it challenging to integrate health and safety into their business objectives and organisational activities. Business owners don’t always have the time and required expertise to develop, implement, monitor and maintain a comprehensive health and safety system.

At SERR Synergy, we recognise the impact that these challenges have on business owners and their employees. With this in mind, we have designed an OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAMME with tailor-made options to suit different business needs. We provide a wide range of health and safety services to businesses that are committed to full compliance with health and safety regulations.

  • We specialise in the development, implementation and maintenance of a health and safety compliance programme for small and medium contractors working within the construction, transport, chemical, petroleum and mining industries, and also assist general industries such as body corporates, office buildings, education institutions, hotels, guest houses, resorts, restaurants, retail stores, farms, warehousing, manufacturers, logistics, security etc. in their quest to health and safety compliance.

Although Covid-19 is something of the past, employers must still ensure that their workplace comply with the Regulation for Hazardous Biological Agents, to provide a safe working environment for their employees. We assist and guide employers with the requirements of this regulation.

A holistic approach to OHSA compliance

Implementing innovative Health and Safety solutions in the workplace.  


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Merging OHS legislative systems and processes into one central framework

Driving business excellence and ensuring continual improvement.


Our service includes but is not limited to:  

  • Review of OHS documentation and premises inspection.
  • Drafting of needs analysis with resolution for directors.
  • Comprehensive OHS and safety training analysis.
  • Health & Safety Policy.
  • Drafting and development of OHS Management System according to legislation as prescribed by government, municipality and industry.
  • The above OHS system includes, but is not limited to the following: 
  1. Policy, Plan and Procedural documentation;
  2. Emergency Procedures with Emergency Drill Plans;
  3. Risk Assessment, Method Statement and Safe Work Procedures;
  4. Registers and Inspection Checklists for monitoring equipment, material and premises;
  5. Induction Training Manual relating to the Occupational Health and Safety Management System to be implemented; and
  6. Toolbox Talk Guideline – generic / task specific.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 with Regulations in electronic format.
  • Assistance with implementation of the OHS Management System during on-site quarterly visits or on-line sessions.
  • Assistance with a Letter of Good Standing and submission of Injury on Duties (IODs).
  • Access to guidance on OHS matters and regular updates by our team.
  • On-site specific activities - please refer to our Quotation document for more information. 
  • Please note that we offer Occupational Health and Safety training courses. Please refer to our Quotation document for more information.
  • Please refer to our Quotation document for more info about services specific to the Construction Industry together with industry specific annual audits.

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