At SERR SYNERGY we recognise the importance of adult education and the inevitability thereof in the Economic and Skills Development revolution of South Africa. Keeping abreast with industry trends, while remaining competitive, is therefore fundamental when bridging gaps between organisations’ current realities, their skills shortages and employees’ career aspirations. The short supply of skilled staff remains a serious obstacle to the competitiveness of industries in our country. 

The Coronavirus pandemic forced many businesses to follow a working from home policy that will require a new skills set from workers. We have combined online and conventional classroom training, accredited and nonaccredited training courses into one comprehensive product that is available on an affordable monthly retainer basis.

We offer accredited training courses / programmes at NQF level 5 as per the Training Schedule in our Quotation document named 'Accredited Skills Programmes' - this is separate to the Vision 2030 training and excludes the services of a Skills Development Facilitator - please refer to our Skills Development and combined Training service if you require a SDF and training option.

We also offer learnership programmes specifically designed for businesses that wish to qualify for additional tax rebates and SETA funding, as well as those that wish to maximise their BEE points and qualify for additional bonus points.


Skills development is imperative for businesses to comply with statutory and Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE or BEE) requirements and has become a strategic priority for businesses that wish to attain or retain an acceptable BEE level and also meet the requirements of the Skills Development Act. 

With the revised BEE scorecard, companies can earn maximum skills development points if they spend the required 3% or 6% of their annual payroll on SETA-accredited training initiatives (depending on the business category). 

The B-BBEE Code’s Learning Programme Matrix sets a number of areas where skills development is possible. These are Learnerships, Bursaries, Apprenticeships, Work-integrated Learning and Internships.

In line with the amendments to the B-BBEE Codes published on 31 May 2019 - The Skills Development scorecard targets and weighting points have been amended where the target of 6% of the Leviable Amount for Generic Enterprises is now 3,5% for 6 points (from the previous 8 points), with 2,5% included as a new indicator – Skills Development Expenditure on Bursaries for Black Students at Higher Education Institutions for 4 points, which will be weighted as per the EAP demographic targets.

This means that measured entities would be compelled to to spend 2,5% of their leviable amounts per year on bursaries for black students at Higher Educational Institutions.

We understand the operational challenges that businesses face daily and that they may not always have the time to attend to training initiatives or strategies. 

Skills Training


SERR SYNERGY has compiled a very unique training product that focuses on Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) skills whereby businesses can benefit from various skills development programmes as well as a range of SETA-accredited training within their organisation.

Contact Us for more info


Our variety of learnerships and skills development courses make it easy for learners to acquire the skills they need for their specific workplace or industry. Our learnerships and courses are up-to-date and outcomes based, with industry-related learning material.  

Our training approach includes blended training methodologies which comprise of both conventional (classroom style) and e-Platform (online training) training courses to specifically accommodate learners who want some flexibility to study in the luxury or privacy of their homes or offices. We have combined online and conventional classroom mandatory training, accredited and nonaccredited training courses into one comprehensive product that is available on an affordable monthly retainer basis. 

For more information on our Training and Skills Development Programmes: 

Contact Us Download our Training and Skills Development Programmes brochure

holistic approach to Training and Skills Development

Choose the type of support that you need.



Our 12-month, industry-specific and generic learnership programmes are specifically designed for businesses that wish to qualify for additional learnership tax rebates and SETA funding, as well as those that wish to maximise their BEE points and qualify for additional bonus points.

These skills development programmes have proved to optimise SDL refunds, increase profit and cash flow, and ensure a more productive and motivated workforce.

  • Qualifying for tax rebates from SARS as per section 12H of the Income Tax Act, translating into R80 000 per standard Learnership and R120 000 per Disabled Learnership;
  • Access to an Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) of R1 000 per month per employee aged 18 – 29 years – offset against your PAYE;

For more information on our Training and Skills Development Programmes: 

Download our Training and Skills Development Programmes brochure

Need assistance with Learnerships? 

Enquire for your Business



This product is aimed at providing clients in the Construction Industry, especially generic enterprises, with the option of qualifying for additional points on the Construction Sector Code Scorecard. Each mentorship programme accommodates 5 (five) learners.

Our Mentorship programmes include competency in the following unit standards:

  • Guiding learners with regard to learning, assessment and recognition opportunities;
  • Assisting and supporting learners to manage their learning experience;
  • Demonstrating understanding of the outcome-based education and training approach within the context of a National Qualification Framework.

Services provided under the mentorship programmes are as follows:

  • Regular reporting by mentor to the appointed mentor champion;
  • Minutes of meetings and other records of communication between mentor and protégés (trainees);
  • Annual progress report and review of individual plan;
  • Report on activities undertaken by the protégé;
  • Evaluation of portfolio of evidence.


In line with the Amendments to the B-BBEE Codes published on 31 May 2019 - the Skills Development scorecard targets and weighting points have been amended where the target of 6% of the Leviable Amount for Generic Enterprises is now 3,5% for 6 points (from the previous 8 points), with 2,5% included as a new indicator – Skills Development Expenditure on Bursaries for Black Students at Higher Education Institutions for 4 points, which will be weighted as per the EAP demographic targets.

This means that measured entities would be compelled to to spend 2,5% of their leviable amounts per year on bursaries for black students at Higher Educational Institutions.

Our YES Bursaries NPC fund serves as a bursary fund in respect of the new 2,5% of Skills Development sub-element for Bursaries. Corporate contributions to the YES Bursary NPC would qualify fully for points in terms of the new sub-element.

Download our YES NPC Bursary pamphlet



The importance of developing black people through empowerment training and development programmes cannot be ignored, especially participants in collective ownership programmes who are unable to actively participate in annual general meetings.

Our Empowerment Training and Development product offers non-accredited training and development opportunities to black people in general, beneficiaries and trustees / fiduciaries and potential trustees / fiduciaries of collective empowerment programmes to participate and fulfil their roles and responsibilities as required for substantive empowerment by BEE legislation.

Download our Empowerment Training and Development brochure


• Our Mandatory Training is available as an option on our Skills Development Facilitation (SDF) service. Please refer to our Skills Development and Employment Equity service offering to find out more about the various options.

• We have a separate Youth Employment Service (YES) programme specifically designed for business owners who want to enhance their overall B-BBEE status with up to 2 levels.

For more information on our Training and Skills Development Programmes: 

Download our Training and Skills Development Programmes brochure




We at SERR SYNERGY are proud of our qualified team of professionals with extensive knowledge of a broad spectrum of learning and development roles and diverse industries. Our international exposure and expertise in the training environment have equipped us to support our clients with their distinctive set of training and educational requirements. Whatever your particular training needs or challenges, we are able to assist with a practical solution.

Our team is made up of SAQA-qualified facilitators as well as a number of associate facilitators, assessors and subject matter experts in the respective training fields. This provides us with a level of stability as well as the flexibility to deal with projects of various sizes in a cost-effective manner. Our team is supported by a well-organised administrative team that has the knowledge, skill and experience to co-ordinate first-class training for our clients.

We have a national footprint with regional representation in Gauteng, Western Cape, Durban, Bloemfontein and Upington, with strategically placed training teams in the various regions to support learning interventions and relevant training activities on behalf of our clients.


Our modern training venues are located regionally in line with our national footprint. Our approach to training is having the learner at heart:

  • All our venues are conveniently located, with access to public transport;
  • We use only state-of-the-art training equipment;
  • Our facilities have hygienic refreshment rooms and designated eating areas;
  • All our training venues are health and safety compliant.

For a site visit to any of our training facilities, please contact us and it will be arranged.

  • We have combined online and conventional classroom mandatory training, accredited and nonaccredited training courses into one comprehensive product that is available on an affordable monthly retainer basis.
  • Customised and strategic skills development solutions specifically designed to meet the particular needs of our clients and their specific industry;
  • Alignment to the BEE Codes of Good Practice;
  • Maximising your BEE scorecard points for the Skills Development element gained at a low-cost due to initiative entry incentives such as youth subsidies, tax rebates and other allowed grants:
  • Record-keeping – your Skills Development Facilitator (if you have opted for this service under our SDF product solution) keeps records of all SERR Synergy training interventions. The training course information can be used to your benefit when completing your Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) and BEE scorecard;
  • Businesses qualify for a bigger refund on their SDLs (mandatory and discretionary grants) if they use SETA-accredited training courses;
  • Depending on the specific needs of your sector/industry and SETA-specific requirements, businesses can expect a maximum of 69,5% of their SDLs to be refunded;
  • We only use SETA-qualified and -registered training and assessment facilitators as well as a range of Subject Matter Experts in our training interventions;
  • Assessment results of all our learners are verified by the SETA and uploaded onto the National Learner Record Database (NLRD). This means that all competent learners will be awarded the relevant credits for the unit standards.
  • Learners therefore accumulate credits towards a full qualifications with qualifications across all industries – NQF level 1 – 5;
  • Online booking with an easy-to-use online schedule and booking system;
  • Our accredited learnerships and training material is aligned with the unit standards and qualifications stipulated in the National Qualification Framework;
  • Value for money as each of our courses includes a comprehensive training manual. Learners receive a certificate of attendance, light lunch and stationery, etc.;