Blog Articles
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment and government tenders
November 02, 2016
Is your business heavily dependent on government tenders?
BEE scorecard no relief for small businesses
October 17, 2016
An overview of the impact that the BEE scorecard has on businesses. Black ownership is a major requirement to be considered as a supplier for most large corporates and state departments.
National strike announced by COSATU
October 05, 2016
COSATU has announced a one-day national strike for all employees on Friday, 7 October 2016.
NEDLAC has confirmed that COSATU has complied with section 77 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No.
Alternatives to funding education fees
October 03, 2016
Inequality and poverty are at this point in time at the centre of the student rebellion in our country.
Employment and learnership tax incentives update from Treasury
September 26, 2016
If you have missed the media release from the National Treasury on 25 September 2016, there is great news for companies that are involved with employment and learnership tax incentives.
September 19, 2016
An overview of learnership tax allowance changes and challenges that business are faced with when training black unemployed individuals.